category EdTechUVic

A New Approach to Education: Open Pedagogy

Image Source: Unsplash I recently read an interesting article by Jesse Stommel entitlied “Textbooks, OER, and the Need for Open Pedagogy.” In this piece, he provided a critical view on textbooks and the historical approach to education. He further argued… Continue Reading →

Sharing Skills and Mastering a Class – Social Media and Learning

One of the immediate benefits that the internet has always had was allowing people to connect instantaneously regardless of distance or location. This capability has yielded a number of benefits including instant text communication, long-distance video calls, and in more… Continue Reading →

Convenience Over Privacy: The Issue with ORU’s Fitbit Integration

Though much has been written regarding the benefits and dangers posed by data surveillance, the measure recently put out by Oral Roberts University to fully integrate their physical fitness curriculum with wearable technology can seem like an attractive prospect at… Continue Reading →

The Benefits of Open and Online Learning

An example of a multi-modal online learning course is Udacity’s CS101 Introduction to Computer Science Course. This course was open to everyone on the internet and was conducted completely online. Moreover, there was no set timing of the course, as… Continue Reading →

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